About Us

Established in 2019...

The Grove at Miramar, an upscale neighborhood retail center in the heart of the city. Located on 5.62 acres at the southeast corner of Miramar Boulevard and Flamingo Road, the retail plaza consists of four buildings and up to 45,000 sq. ft. of leasable space. With multiple tenants already secured.
“Over the last 10 years, the City of Miramar has been a hotspot for commercial and residential development,” said Victor E. Taurizano, broker manager at Novus Realty, LLC and a founding partner of Elit, which is developing The Grove with capital partner Miramar Investment Fund, LLC. “With its strategic location and sophisticated design, The Grove  offers tenants premium commercial space in a well-travelled area and provides residents and visitors with convenience, accessibility and an elite retail experience. It is a fitting addition to the diverse and flourishing community of Miramar.” The Grove features Mediterranean-inspired architecture, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and lush landscaping. The buildings are surrounded by more than 200 parking spaces and accommodate restaurants, physicians, financial institutions and more. Additionally, “Excellent accessibility to the site from both Miramar Boulevard and South Flamingo Road allow smooth traffic flow and encourage returning customers,” said Elit co-founder Pablo E. Jeannot of ABIS Global

Come give us a visit at The Grove!

– Victor & Pablo